Techpoint Africa | Cameroon is reportedly seizing Starlink kits at its borders because the Internet service provider is not yet licenced in the country. This comes ahead of Starlink’s schedul...
ITWeb Africa | Cameroon is seizing Starlink equipment at its ports of entry because the low-orbit satellite provider is not licenced. The decision to seize all Starlink equipment imported into Came...
RFI | Plafonné à 1 000, puis 1 500 francs CFA en Côte d’Ivoire, ou leur équivalent au Ghana, le kilo de cacao s’est vendu plus de 5 100 francs CFA – soit plus de 8 dollars au Cameroun –, le troisiè...
Ventures Africa | Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma visited Cameroon from April 20 to 22 to reaffirm the U.S.-Cameroon partnership. Deputy Secretary Verma met ...
In a move that reaffirms its commitment to Central Africa’s development course, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has inaugurated an ultramodern regional office building in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Joseph D...
Business in Cameroon | The pilot corridor of the Yaoundé Rapid Bus Transit (BRT) project will connect Olembe at the northern entrance of the capital to Ahala in the southern part, covering 22 km. T...
FOUMBAN, CAMEROON — VOA | To enter the Museum of the Bamoun Kings in western Cameroon, you have to pass under the fangs of a gigantic two-headed snake — the highlight of an imposing coat of arms of...
Foot Africa | Fraichement intronisé à la tête des « Lions Indomptables », l’entraîneur belge Marc Brys n’a pas caché ses intentions de récupérer deux vieux briscards qui ont été évincés de la « Tan...
Business in Cameroon | The Ministry of Mines, Industry, and Technological Development of Cameroon has officially opened the country’s first enclosed gold ore processing unit in the town of Ka...
Business in Cameroon | The entry of Starlink, Elon Musk’s satellite internet service, into the Cameroonian market has raised concerns among authorities who fear it could pose a threat to the ...